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COVID-19 March 29 Update
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March 29 2020

Dear Grace members, attendees and friends,


Due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and in accordance with CDC recommendations and local government mandates regarding social gatherings, all church functions and activities are suspended until further notice.  This includes men/women’s bible study meetings, prayer/band rehearsals, and Sunday evening service.  We encourage everyone in these uncertain times to remain steadfast in prayer, devotion, fasting and supplication before the Lord.  While we are not given in to a spirit of fear, we are called to be wise and serve in love for the welfare of our community. We serve a powerful God who remains in control, despite what we see happening all around us.  Please keep our church as well as the rest of the nation and world in your prayers. May God bless you all!


Grace Romanian Church Administration

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Serviciul duminical în fiecare saptamâna la ora 5:00pm seara

Situat în Cladirea "New City church"

6904 Glenwood Ave.

Raleigh, NC 27612

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